Laurie Van Kleeck, LMT
Ashmead College - Alumni 2001
MA 00015953
I am excited to bring my therapeutic vision to you.
After over two decades of practicing clinical, injury -focused massage, and a decade of studying northern style Thai yoga massage, I'm combining the profound and practical aspects of both under one roof. The ~effection therapy philosophy~ revolves around the concept to "Do No Harm," while detecting and treating the painful areas that need attention during a bodywork session. I endeavor to provide a safe space to communicate about sensation and pain level clearly, and investigate them together. Applying deliberate moderate pressures and movement awakens the bodies own healing faculty and processes.
Working together we will find the path to your ease.
Years ago, while treating a client who'd been in two motor vehicle accidents in less than a month, I expressly realized that you can, and sometimes need to, touch moderate pain on the body without causing discomfort. At that time, my very aggressive "get in there" approach all but failed me. Because this person was traumatized, I had to employ gentle techniques, and was limited to using only hydrotherapy and lymphatic drainage applications for the first few weeks. In fact, this experience directly began to transform my whole style of massage, because it became so obvious that it tends to be most-effective to apply moderate pressure, rather than maximum pressure right away. Why is that? ... because going "too deep too soon" causes a recoil of the central nervous system, and muscles tighten up as the body tries to move away from discomfort, no matter what the ego thinks. I found going through the toughest layers of adhered tissue, in a kind, curious and deliberate manner, incorporating movement and varied rhythms to confuse and release stagnant proprioceptors, the body will respond like a blooming lotus, unfolding tension in the appropriate sunshine. My goal is to facilitate an experience of informed, open-minded, inquisitive, and profoundly effective care.